Change Tracker

Fae has a build in system to track the changes of the records in your admin. By default it’s on, tracking the last 15 times a record has been changed. Make sure any model you want to track has include Fae::BaseModelConcern at the top.

For each change the tracker tracks what kind of change it is (create, update or delete), what attributes were changed, who changed it and when it happened.

Global Options

You can turn off tracking altogether or update how many revisions the tracker keeps with the following options set in config/initializers/fae.rb.

key type default description
track_changes boolean true Determines whether or not to track changes on your objects
tracker_history_length integer 15 Determines the max number of changes logged per object



Fae.setup do |config|

  config.tracker_history_length = 10


Blacklisting Models and Attributes

If you want to turn off tracking on specific attibutes or a model altogether you can define an optional instance method fae_tracker_blacklist.

Blacklisting a Model

To blacklist an entire model have fae_tracker_blacklist return ‘all’.

class DontTrackMe < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Fae::BaseModelConcern

  def fae_tracker_blacklist

Blacklisting Attributes

To blacklist specific attributes have ‘fae_tracker_blacklist’ return an array of attribute names as symbols or strings.

class DontTrackMe < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Fae::BaseModelConcern

  def fae_tracker_blacklist
    [:position, :slug]

Accessing the Tracked Changes

Each model that includes Fae::BaseModelConcern will have the following association:

has_many :tracked_changes

Each tracked change is a record of Fae::Change and has the following attrubtes available

attribute description
changeable a polymorphic association back to the changed record
user an association to the user that updated the record
change_type how the record was changed, options are: created, updated or deleted
updated_attributes an array of attributes changed (for updated records only)
updated_at when the change occured

Example Usage

@item.tracked_changes.each do |change|
  "This item was #{change.change_type} by #{change.user.first_name} on {change.updated_at}."

Display Tracked Changes Table

Fae provides a partial to display tracked changes in an object’s form. Read more about render 'fae/shared/recent_changes'

Recent changes

Displays recent changes to an object as logged by change tracker in a table. Columns include the user, type, updated attributes, and datetime of the change.

This partial is best placed at the bottom of the form and will automatically hide itself in create forms, where there wouldn’t be changes to display.


Standard implementation

= render 'fae/shared/recent_changes'

Optionally, you can add a link to it in the form nav:

= render 'fae/shared/form_header', ..., subnav: [...,  'Recent Changes']

Tracking Changes to Nested Resources

This will display a nested resource’s changes in it’s parent’s tracked changes table.

For example, say Release has_many ReleaseNotes, in release_note.rb you would define the instance method:

def fae_tracker_parent

Now any CRUD operations on a ReleaseNote will be reflected in the tracked changes table for it’s parent Release.